Other Filter Options
Other Filter Options
Chlorine, Sulfur, Nitrates and Sediment
Chlorine, Sulfur, Nitrates and Sediment
Water in the Lubbock and surrounding areas often contains chlorine, sulfur, nitrates and sediment. To determine whole home filtration needs above a water softener, we send your water sample to a 3rd party laboratory for testing. Our experts will review the results with you and find a solution to fit your needs! These additional filters are installed to treat your whole home and protect from unwanted contaminants. Sediment filters are commonly installed on homes with well water. Chlorine filters are primarly installed on homes with high concentrations of chlorine in the municiple water supply.
Each additional filter is designed for your application. There is no "one size fits all" for water treatment
Each additional filter is designed for your application. There is no "one size fits all" for water treatment